Now Available
All Man
For many men, sexual pleasure or fantasy can become an escape from life’s challenges and insecurities. In All Man, Dr. Roy Smith draws from his 40 years of counseling men to address the consequences of misusing sexuality.
With society’s toxic portrayal of men as aggressive and solely driven by sex, this book offers a God-centered path to personal growth. Dr. Roy Smith helps men understand how true strength, confidence, and sexuality can be rooted in spiritual identity rather than destructive behaviors.
All Man is a call to transformation, offering hope and practical wisdom for men to live as God intended—fully alive and fully man.
Being a positive influence
As my company Pennsylvania Counseling Services’ motto suggests, people are valuable. Therefore, PCS exists to help children, adults, and families discover their greatness.
As part of my mission to assist those around who struggle with mental health and addiction issues, I have dedicated myself to communicate to those in need in a variety of fashions. This includes in the past seeing numerous clients myself, building locations that serve individuals both within the clinics, a school environment, or home, and writing material that can be helpful to their personal growth processes.
I believe that individuals are given the potential to be often more than we live up to. This divine gift comes with potential to be fulfilled and numerous relationships that when positively dealt with, can create a sense of community all of us need. Teaching people how to strengthen their own identity formation and contribute their giftedness to the welfare of others has been a life-long task.
Along with using my knowledge of faith from a biblical perspective and the identity issues many people struggle with in their development, I have written specific books to help individuals in specific ways. You can check out the brief videos for each product to determine if looking into one of these resources would be helpful for you.
I have also developed LiveUp Studios, which utilizes film, podcasts, and a more global media capability to influence more people to fulfill their God-given design.
Why Does it Matter?
The longer I live, the more I see how the culture hurts every gender and race and age in a different manner. I have legitimate concerns as I have watched violence increase, and the numerous cultural issues that have been struggled with since my birth not being dealt with. I therefore believe that those of us that are older should tithe time and some income to issues that affect our children.
Throughout my years of assisting others, I have come to see that any intervention at any level with any individual within a family system benefits the whole family as dynamics are changed and a domino effect of positive influence occurs when someone becomes what God has called them to be.